Analogue is fun - but expensive
I’ve shot more than 30k digital shots in my photography career and only around 1000 analogue photos. As you can guess analogue photography doesn't feature a safety net such as digital photography, and the cost of shooting is also much higher.
Controversly, it’s also a lot more fun. I’m not sure about you but in the beginning I was very trigger happy and I found myself with photograph fatigue. Too many photos and I wasn’t thinking about composition or what I wanted to convey with my photo. I got lost in the spiral of shooting mindlessly. Not a good thing. Thankfully I’ve never felt the same way when shooting film. There’s something special about each shot and because you only have a limited amount of exposures available, you subconsciously want to make every shot count.
And that in terms I feel makes you more creative and you look for the perfect shot and angle. Different films can create an artistic look that can inspire you even further. I love shooting black and white, and if you do here’re my favourite film stocks, in 35mm as well as 120.
Ilford Delta 100
Ilford XP2
Ilford FP4
Kodak T-Max 100/400
Kodak Tri-X
Kodak E100
All of these films render beautiful photos and colours. With E100 as slide film I need to nail the exposure, as otherwise details will be lost. The film is not as forgiving as the B&W films but the results are awesome! Check out my Hawaii Moments to see E100 in action!