Dasein - be in the moment

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Why old school isn’t bad, and why you should embrace it!

Back in the 80s when I grew up, TV sets didn’t have remote controls, you had to get up to change the channel. There were moderators who told you what was coming up on TV and colour was an amazing feature. You recorded TV on VHS and mobile phones had a cool feature that was T9 typing. If one needed to look up a word it was in your enceclopedia. My uncle had 20 books which held pretty much all words I ever needed to know.

Telephone booths and telephone cards were used when one had to make a phone call. The fancy had polyphonic ringtone mobiles, does anyone remember Sony Ericssons T310 or P900? Film photography was normal and digital not heard of. People were purchasing art and picture frames. Today, this is seen less often. But why? Being or going old school is refreshing in a time of instantenous everything and social media overload.

Being old school is cool, and you should be it too!